Sunday, October 30, 2011


  Who would have "thunk" it? Doing group quests all by my lonesome. Seeing as how I get extremely bored waiting around for help, I thought I would set a new challenge for myself (too many "I"'s in that last sentence? All people who think personal bloggers talk about themselves too much, click here. Back to the story). As I was, a few days ago, only a level 68 I thought I could handle a group (recommended three players at least) quest. However, I was not about to go walking up to level 70 elites and take them all down. "Play it smart, Heather." I told myself. I slowly took out the perimeter guards, being careful to only pull one at a time and draw them away from any other mobs so as not to get ganged up on. It worked well, that is until I pulled more than I could handle and had two 69 elites on me. Lets just say it did not end well for me. Three tries for a group quest on higher level elites isn't that bad though, is it? Either way the mission was successful. I got the engineering plans from the boss all by myself, so for me the quest was a success.
  Once I was able to do that I once again got a big head and took on more group quests. At first this proved advantageous; all the booty, all the XP, and none of the sharing? Awesome! Unfortunately, that humility hammer came a-knocking on my head once again. I have come to the conclusion that while it is ok to ignore the game masters instructions every once and a while, they do have my best interests in mind. Not only so I learn how to play the game properly but also so I can enjoy it. Needless to say that after 3 groups quests I started failing at my quests, big time.
   Today's lesson children, push the boundaries but lets be modest about it. Not every restriction and guideline is there to restrain. Yes, it is only a game, but the rules are there to help all of us to play nice together so we can all enjoy the experience.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout-out! Here's the direct link to the post you referenced in case people aren't up to date ;)
