Sunday, October 30, 2011


  Who would have "thunk" it? Doing group quests all by my lonesome. Seeing as how I get extremely bored waiting around for help, I thought I would set a new challenge for myself (too many "I"'s in that last sentence? All people who think personal bloggers talk about themselves too much, click here. Back to the story). As I was, a few days ago, only a level 68 I thought I could handle a group (recommended three players at least) quest. However, I was not about to go walking up to level 70 elites and take them all down. "Play it smart, Heather." I told myself. I slowly took out the perimeter guards, being careful to only pull one at a time and draw them away from any other mobs so as not to get ganged up on. It worked well, that is until I pulled more than I could handle and had two 69 elites on me. Lets just say it did not end well for me. Three tries for a group quest on higher level elites isn't that bad though, is it? Either way the mission was successful. I got the engineering plans from the boss all by myself, so for me the quest was a success.
  Once I was able to do that I once again got a big head and took on more group quests. At first this proved advantageous; all the booty, all the XP, and none of the sharing? Awesome! Unfortunately, that humility hammer came a-knocking on my head once again. I have come to the conclusion that while it is ok to ignore the game masters instructions every once and a while, they do have my best interests in mind. Not only so I learn how to play the game properly but also so I can enjoy it. Needless to say that after 3 groups quests I started failing at my quests, big time.
   Today's lesson children, push the boundaries but lets be modest about it. Not every restriction and guideline is there to restrain. Yes, it is only a game, but the rules are there to help all of us to play nice together so we can all enjoy the experience.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


   The new expansion has been announced(how have we not talked about this yet). Blizz-Con took place over this past weekend in Anaheim California. Seeing as how there is no way that I am flying to California for a Blizzard convention, I only play WOW, Brett bought us an online ticket (included the closing concert with the Foo Fighters, definitely worth the money). From what I was able to glean from the parts I did watch. The new expansion includes a new land called Pandaria and a new Race of, you guessed it, pandas. Lets be honest here, I was not on board with the new race of pandas. I say was because they have actually grown on me. I assumed it was going to be childish and it still maybe, we won't know until the expansion is released. However, I just thought about cool it would be to run around and kick peoples butts as a panda... pretty funny. Thus, I have already reserved two names on my server for next year. One of the will be for a panda: "PandaMama" and the other one will be for my next (TBA) character, but it will have to be a girl due to the next name: "Pandaress" I plan on being Pandaria royalty. Its laughable, but still a cute name. When I heard of this next change in the game it really put the pandas in perspective. Our pets will now be able to duel other pets. No we are not back in the 1990's, but it does sound a lot like Pokemon. It basically is, I chose you red dragonhawk(only we will be allowed to name our camp-anion pets). Starting to like those pandas now aren't you.
  Other things happened at the convention, I know, but only the ones I am most excited about will be talked about today. I am in love with what Blizzard has done for hunters! No more Melee! Even if a mob is right up on me I don't have to switch my weapons, I can still attack with my bow at a close proximity! I love it! Also there are a whole new slue of abilities! Check it out for yourselves because I guarantee you are not all hunters and there are changes to everything. The one change I am not happy about. They want everyone to stay on the ground. Just when I got my taste of flying, they want to take it away until I hit max level. Granted it is not for another year and it will make the leveling aspect of the game more interesting, but I love flying now!
  Oh and as regards my previous post, it was all in my head. My hubby loves me and the second I finished blogging and logged on to WOW he was right there with me helping me with quests and teaching me new things without me even asking (and without him reading my post). Like I said before I get jealous, but he without even knowing it gave me a great lesson in humility. I love him and surprisingly enough, where this game used to tear us apart, we are becoming even closer.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Set Backs

You know the saying, you take one step forward and two back? Well I'm not sure if that exactly applies to me right now, but I feel as if it is the only way to describe how I am feeling. For those of you who have been following my tale from the beginning you know that I started playing WOW so that I could better connect with my husband. And for those of you who know me personally, you know I have a way of romanticizing situations and am let down because nothing lives up to the way I imagined it in my head. That brings us to my reflection of the week. Now when I said that I have the habit of romanticizing situations, I absolutely did not expect that our characters would be giving each other flowers and going on dates in the game, that's just ridiculous. However, I did think that we would be going on raids together and he would be giving me instructions on what to do in the game and how best to get through everything. Instead I have gotten basic instructions and have had things assumed on me. How am I supposed to know that now that I am level 60 (thank you) I am supposed to take a portal to a new world?! Brett has helped me don't get me wrong but I have gotten more help from WOW bloggers while he is off raiding. Which to be fair is what he should be doing. The thing I am most disappointed with are my professions. As you know I have chosen herbalism and inscription. I wish he would have told me how to do these earlier in the game so I wouldn't have to keep going back to low level areas just to pick herbs within my level of expertise.
   Sorry for unloading on you (but this is WOW from a housewife prospective and we get jealous if we are not number one in our mans life). I just feel as if I am on this game to better connect with someone, while he may see it as an excuse to not feel guilt spending hours on the game because I am leveling. True we are both playing but we are not playing together as much as I would have hoped and it gets boring for me really fast being all alone in this giant world of warcraft.
   My one step forward? Trying something new to better my marriage. I can honestly say it as brought us closer, the more a married couple does together the more they have to talk about and connect with. This has been a good decision for my marriage I honestly believe that.
   My two steps back? 1).Feeling (I say feeling because this could be completely all in my head) lonely, abandoned and very much like a tool. 2). Not spending enough time on things more important. Only because I am trying to get to level 85 where I hope things will change for us and we will really be connecting on a new level (ha no pun intended) in this game, can you really blame me for that?
  On a lighter note, because I haven't been keeping up with this blog you may not know that I got a new mount. One that can fly too! It make questing and hebalism so much easier for me! I have also been doing a lot of random dungeons without anyone's help (other than the four others in the dungeon). I am at level 61 and climbing. Here I come 85!

Friday, October 21, 2011


I am so sick of my dragon-hawk! "Wiggs", as I have named him, is really started to piss me off. Brett has been telling me that I have to get a new pet, and I completely agree. Every time I walk into Orgrimmar I find myself admiring all the different pets. So its time for me to step up! While in the Northern Barrens I noticed a huntress (much like a lion). Now once you tame a pet you can always abandon it later, so I figured I would just try it out on a huntress until I am able to find a pet, that in my book, I would describe as the "bee's knee's". Already I see such an improvement from my old pet. "Travis", my new huntress, has already made me very happy. Wiggs always allowed mobs(things attacking you) through. Not travis!!
    I know, I know, I have not talked about my professions. So here we go my first profession is an Herbalist, who doesn't love picking flowers! And I know it sounds so girly, but its really cool what you can with everything once you've picked them. Leading me to my second profession, Inscription. Once you have picked and milled the herbs you can turn them into ink and write scrolls for different stats. And later on I write glyphs.
  My next objective was to get some serious playing time with Brett in, We traveled to Felwood to turn in a bunch of quests, here is where I met my Pet soul mate! After picking up a quest to get a ring off a Winna Kitten, we headed out thinking it would be nothing. Suddenly we stumbled upon a giant tiger-like cat! This was no mere kitten and once I saw it I knew this will be my pet! How cool is this cat!! "KittyThor" knew nothing so I filled out the talent points and the two of us are doing great taking down mobs together!

We'll talk more later, BlizzCon is streaming online right now and I cant wait to watch with Brett! Oh, by the way... Level 51!!!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Yesterday I partook in my first instance/dungeon with the boys! It was great because I was a level 38 when we started and most of them were leveling characters around the same as me. I thought I would be terrified but it was so much fun! Not only did I have fun but I also got some great gear that dropped, and at the end of it I came out as level 41! Incredible right?! 
  Now that I had gotten to level 41 my next goal was insight, a new ( faster ) mount. Unfortunately I had to go to work for an hour, I teach Zumba, so I was able to give my gamer brain a break and workout before going back on. When I got home I immediately logged on and took a zepplin back to my first home. Once I got to Silvermoon City, I couldnt be more excited to go get my new mount. I trained and bought my new mount. Oh the places me and my new mount will go and so much faster too!
  All that I wanted to do was a few more quests with Brett but he was raiding. I took a look at my professions and needed to catch up on my first aid but I was out of linen. Ready for the M. Night Shyamalan twist?... I went into the dead scar, Willingly!! I needed more linen so I went farming. It was amazing going back to a place I once feared and dominating it. I did feel bad for a few low level players who were trying to complete quests in there. Like I said I was dominating, I didn't even have to use my pet, Wiggs. I was even able to kill a few targets with just a sting shot!
   So all in all I had a great day in WOW. Which can only mean its going to be work from here on out. I am almost half way to level 85 and so far enjoying the journey!!!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Jealous much?

I am currently blogging as my husband raids. I am in fact jealous... its sad but true. I have had an incredibly busy weekend. From engagement parties and charity events to Oktoberfest dance offs ( and these events aren't even the half of it) I have had no down time for WOW. I was only able to level up once! The inner gamer in me is screaming to get back on and hit 40!!! Mainly, so I can get a faster mount, but there is nothing like the feeling of successfully completely a quest, seeing the flash of yellow and receiving that little message congratulating me. It makes me feel so accomplished as it motivates me to keep going. Good job with the positive reinforcement, Blizzard. Sadly, I do not have much else to report. My WOW lessons with Brett are going well, he has even done a few duels with me ( on his level 85 goblin shaman ) so I can get a chance to practice wing clipping. I love all my abilities but I find that this one the hardest to use. I don't know why, I think its because I chose a hunter simply so I wouldn't have to be up in my targets face. I have a tendency to panic when my opponent gets too close to me and it makes me want to run. That is why its such a good thing I have Brett to duel with so I can test everything out knowing I am not going to die. You have to love my supportive hubby! Hopefully this next week I can get on a little bit more and hit level 40!

Friday, October 14, 2011


Finally! Yesterday Brett picked up my new laptop. I will no longer be a daytime player only. I can play whenever and where ever I choose. Although this new development may not excite many, it most certainly makes my week complete. Here's a little back story for those of you who do not know my husband and myself personally. Brett cannot trust me will electronics, I have broken two indestructible cameras. I have lost two Ipods and am constantly losing my Iphone ( it always makes its way back to me ), but now you see why it is such a big deal that Brett bought me my own laptop. Now I have my own set up, at my own table, right next to him in the computer room, my only problem is our dogs ( 2 out of 3 of them are great danes) who now like to run under my table and fight each other. But hey I will take it as long as I can play with Brett I am a happy girl.
    Now that I am officially set up I am going to get a few pointers from Brett and hope I catch on quickly. I am seriously sick of doing quests alone. Ex: I was trying to kill a level 31 footman and by accident I got the attention of a level 40 guard. He proceeded to attack me, and as if I were a bug under his shoe with no way to defend my own level 34 butt, I thought I was doomed. Of course why wouldn't I be, I was against two opponents with my pet dead and only 8.0% of my life left I thought it was all over! But wait, who is this? Some mysterious Tauren came rushing in and took the guards attention off of me, so I finished off the footman with some melee hits and went over to thank him but he ran off after telling me: " Watch what you pull." So I would like to take this time in the blog to send out a thank you out to my gaming hero! Thank you! 
  As we speak I am getting ready for an engagement part for two of our close friends, so off I go, happy gaming all!!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

A Whole New World

  No I am not talking about the song from the Disney hit, The Little Mermaid. I am talking about Kalimdor. After Finishing any possible quest I could in the Ghostlands, I attempted to move on. I journeyed south and all the way at the bottom of the Ghostlands I came across a portal. So now that I totally owned all other territory I had discovered, The cocky young blood elf thought she could pown ( Yes I just said pown ) any other creatures she came across. WRONG!
  I had entered the Plaguelands, with no idea what I was doing! I was 1 minute in, had died twice and was genuinely in over my head, fearfully I ran back to the comfort of the Ghostlands and called Brett. He proceeded to laugh at me and told me that I need to go to Orgrimmar. Well With the frustration of having dynamite thrown at me with no idea what to do about it. I ate my humble pie and waited for Brett to come home. He gave me a few lessons, one included travel. To my surprise there is a lot to this world that I am just dipping my toes into. 
   Lessons for today: First, Just when you think you know it all... BAM! someone opens a map and you see how small and inexperienced you really are. Second, You can accomplish anything you sent your mind and heart to. My own personally goal of making level 30 by the weeks end, is completely in grasp. I am a level 29 Blood elf. I plan on going back online today so who knows I may already be beyond 30 while you are reading this.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Good news: Brett got me my own account! Bad news: I have to start all over again. Now that I know what I am doing ( Sort of ) in the game, things should go easier for me.
   I know I haven't been keeping up, but once my new account set in I had a lot of work to do. Granted Brett did re-level me up to 9 I think, but that was cake work ( and with recruit a friends it benefits him as well). I tried so hard to level up to 16 at least, where I had left off, I thought if I could at least get there I wouldn't be so sad about the lose of levels. Well I am proud to announce that I just attained level 21! It has been so hard to get on the game because until Brett knew whether or not I was serious about playing thought we should share the main computer, ( now he'll have to get me my own laptop, Muahaha ) so when he gets home from work he is online raiding and blah, blah ,blah, I'm not up to all of that just yet just leaving me to take care of none WOW related tasks. Another reason it has been hard... I ran a half marathon today! My Friend Justine was really the one with the idea, so Jessica ( my other BFF ) and I said "Sure". I still don't know what I was thinking. (SMH) My feet, knees and hips all hurt and are cramping up, but I feel so accomplished and glad we all did it together!
  The first thing I did when I got home? that's right, log on. My time with the computer is precious ( Aah the things me and my new laptop will be able to do together ).Now that I am level 21 I am taking full advantage of my talent points and cannot wait until I get my own mount, but as I said before I just ran 13.1 miles, i'm going to bed!!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


I am my second day into playing and already I am addicted! What? I know I was skeptical myself, but after the encouragement from my husband telling me that 9 levels was very good for my first day I pressed forward into day two with hopes that I would do even better today.
  My quests today brought me through Dead Scar, which I am not a fan of. Why can I not just go through the game completing my quests as the come and only slay things when need be. Let me tell you if you find yourself strolling through Dead Scar ( which I do not recommend ) the need to slay is imminent. Dead Scar is the equivalent of a dark alley at night, you don't go down it unless you have no other option. My quests gave me know other option and although timid I can now say that when something is nearby, I slay because I no long fear it ( the situation is also helped by the fact that I am a hunter so with my dragon-hawk I don't feel so alone.
   Once all the quests in that area where no longer an issue I braved into Ghostland. Aah the good ol' days of Sunstrider Isle. Unlike where I started, I can literally say that Ghostland gives me the "willies". It even looks creepy and cold. I am currently (dead) in Zul'aman in mid-quest to kill and collect Shadowpine Headhunters & Shadowcasters weapons. However, I am refusing myself to get so caught up in the game. It is bad enough that it is 3:55pm (O!M!G!) and I still have not eaten (my friend Justine would be so mad at me), but on top of that I have laundry, dishes and an apple pie to make for the Yankee game ( what apple pie just goes with baseball, its American). So I leave you with this: I am no longer fearful of killing (in the game). I have realized there's more to life than video games, but they can also be balanced in, and the piece de resistance... I am now a Level 16 Hunter!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Our Story Begins....

Our story truly begins about 5 years back. My husband and I were newly married and for some reason ( that I still do not completely understand ) my husband started playing this game World of Warcraft, which from here on out I will be referring to as WOW. This game took up many hours and many days of his life. I, of course, became jealous of the time spent not with me but rather this game. Thus fights ensued and yes we worked through it, some times he would quit playing but I didn't want to be "that wife" ( The one who is only happy when she gets her way and everyone else is miserable). So we would try to balance his time spent on the game, and eventually it got to the point where he would play WOW and I would do my own thing. Now don't get me wrong I love my alone time, but how long does this pattern carry out until all I have is my alone time. 

  On a recent camping trip, my husband and a bunch of our friends (who are also his guild-mates) were non-stop talking about this game. Now it wasn't the jokes and epic battle stories that brought me to my conclusion of finally attempting this game. It was the fact that my husband honestly could not ( I mean could not, even when I specifically told him to shut up about it and engage in normal conversation ) stop talking, joking, and laughing. If he found so much enjoyment in this game, and seeing as how I love him so much, I felt this game deserved an honest go at it.

   So sports fans here we are. I will be recording my progress in the game as I level and go on quests with my husband ( Brett ) and friends. I have already created a character ( a blood elf) Named FennyFacian ( one of my dogs nicknames ). This was created on Bretts account so I'll need to make a new one and re-level. Oh yeah I am already a level 9 hunter. So feel free to send me name ideas, comments, advice & most of all HELP!