Friday, October 21, 2011


I am so sick of my dragon-hawk! "Wiggs", as I have named him, is really started to piss me off. Brett has been telling me that I have to get a new pet, and I completely agree. Every time I walk into Orgrimmar I find myself admiring all the different pets. So its time for me to step up! While in the Northern Barrens I noticed a huntress (much like a lion). Now once you tame a pet you can always abandon it later, so I figured I would just try it out on a huntress until I am able to find a pet, that in my book, I would describe as the "bee's knee's". Already I see such an improvement from my old pet. "Travis", my new huntress, has already made me very happy. Wiggs always allowed mobs(things attacking you) through. Not travis!!
    I know, I know, I have not talked about my professions. So here we go my first profession is an Herbalist, who doesn't love picking flowers! And I know it sounds so girly, but its really cool what you can with everything once you've picked them. Leading me to my second profession, Inscription. Once you have picked and milled the herbs you can turn them into ink and write scrolls for different stats. And later on I write glyphs.
  My next objective was to get some serious playing time with Brett in, We traveled to Felwood to turn in a bunch of quests, here is where I met my Pet soul mate! After picking up a quest to get a ring off a Winna Kitten, we headed out thinking it would be nothing. Suddenly we stumbled upon a giant tiger-like cat! This was no mere kitten and once I saw it I knew this will be my pet! How cool is this cat!! "KittyThor" knew nothing so I filled out the talent points and the two of us are doing great taking down mobs together!

We'll talk more later, BlizzCon is streaming online right now and I cant wait to watch with Brett! Oh, by the way... Level 51!!!!!

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