Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Yesterday I partook in my first instance/dungeon with the boys! It was great because I was a level 38 when we started and most of them were leveling characters around the same as me. I thought I would be terrified but it was so much fun! Not only did I have fun but I also got some great gear that dropped, and at the end of it I came out as level 41! Incredible right?! 
  Now that I had gotten to level 41 my next goal was insight, a new ( faster ) mount. Unfortunately I had to go to work for an hour, I teach Zumba, so I was able to give my gamer brain a break and workout before going back on. When I got home I immediately logged on and took a zepplin back to my first home. Once I got to Silvermoon City, I couldnt be more excited to go get my new mount. I trained and bought my new mount. Oh the places me and my new mount will go and so much faster too!
  All that I wanted to do was a few more quests with Brett but he was raiding. I took a look at my professions and needed to catch up on my first aid but I was out of linen. Ready for the M. Night Shyamalan twist?... I went into the dead scar, Willingly!! I needed more linen so I went farming. It was amazing going back to a place I once feared and dominating it. I did feel bad for a few low level players who were trying to complete quests in there. Like I said I was dominating, I didn't even have to use my pet, Wiggs. I was even able to kill a few targets with just a sting shot!
   So all in all I had a great day in WOW. Which can only mean its going to be work from here on out. I am almost half way to level 85 and so far enjoying the journey!!!

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