Wednesday, November 16, 2011


  Not only did the dark and dreary weather outside put me in a funk yesterday, so did my playing. The day started out fine until a friend who was logged in spotted a rare spectral tiger (I am currently camping the spawn spot). I rushed home from my errands to try and tame this majestic beast, but alas I was too late. Many people would say: "Hey, no big deal. I'll come back at another time." I, one the other hand, have become obsessed with taming cool pets. I'm like a girl at a shoe sale and when that last pair of  Louboutins get nabbed, well folks, Heather gets oh so sad. Add that to the fact that I am an 85 hunter who can seem to pull more than 8k DPS in a heroic, and I am sure you would be sad as well (we're not even going to discuss the whole "I couldn't for the life of me tame Kirix" debacle).
  I immediately called Brett to tell him I didn't know what I was doing in the game, that I felt lost, my quest log was insanely long and I just felt as if I couldn't play one my own any more. He told me that I should just do my daily's and and then gave me a quest chain to follow so I could get my panther cub companion. Let me tell you, even something as doing a few quests to get a little companion pet made me feel good. He also told me to just practice my duel-specs. I recently switched it up to get more DPS, but haven't been practicing with it, so I know that one is on me. My bad. Some of the most help came from my IRL friend James. Check out the Buyers Remorse blog below.
   Hopefully with a little practice, some new pets, and a little perspective, I won't be such a downer in this blog and you'll be hearing exciting achievements and stories from me soon!

1 comment:

  1. Don't get overwhelmed! Remember why you are doing this. And you are already way ahead of what I could ever do in this game, so I'm proud of you either way ;)

    ~Stop Me if You've Heard This One
