Saturday, November 12, 2011

Buyers Remorse

Its finally happened! I am now a level 85 blood elf hunter! As excited as I am though, I still cannot shake these other feelings that have crept up on me. Lost, confused, and even a little bored. I love learning new things, and for that exact reason, I feel that is why I have not fully embraced my completion of leveling. I know, I know, there is so much for me to learn now that I am maxed on my leveling. Yet, without a goal to meet, I feel like I am floating along in the game with little purpose. I complete my daily quests and go on raids, I even did a heroic with my guild. However, it still lacks a certain something I used to look forward to. I remember waking up in the morning taking care of everything important for that day and actually looking forward to getting on the computer to see how many levels I could blow through.
  Now one of my hesitations when I had first started was that I do not like games that do not have levels. Give me a start and a finish until I have finished the game and I am a happy girl. So you may already see where me problem is. Once you finish leveling (the part that's start and finish) the game does not end. It may be that those level games are the only ones I played growing up and are now so accustom to them that my mind feels it must shun all other games, but its taking a lot for me to get back on the game and play.
  Don't get me wrong when we go into a raid its fun, but what about all the other times when no on is online. I have already finished my major professions. I really am working on archaeology and cooking but it is so hard to get into it. Help me!! What have you found to get you excited and going.

Is this the end for our hero?


  1. Everyone will yell at me for saying this but the answer ive found is creating and leveling a bunch of other characters. Playing other classes and races gives you a totally different feel for the game as well as teaches you the dynamics so you understand the roles in a raid better. Dont be afriad of leveling 5-6 alts to level 10-15 to see what you like. Doesnt mean you ignore your dailys or raiding, just gives you something else to work ok when your in your own. You can now level other professions or prehaps another role (healer, tank). Even, dare i say it, level an alliance character. I know that idea makes some people angry, but its a game. Get the full experience. No one says thay has to be your main or you have to spend all your time in BG killing horde, but you pay to play.... get the most out of it. This will all help keep your main fresh and give something to do when theres down time.

  2. Thanks, I really do appreciate the help. I have had my mind so stuck on doing everything I can on this character (leveling professions and gearing), that it never crossed my mind to go back and do what I love best! Leveling! What better way is there to learn about another class than to actually play it. After I finish my dailys today, I am starting a new toon!
